
SGM 2007 Entrance Level Study Examination Implementation


2007 Entrance Level Study Examination Implementation

一、考試日期 Date of Examination:


Sunday, December 16, 2007.


1. 期間Period: 200741日至731April 1 to July 31, 2007

2. 費用FeesRM10.00

3. 資格Qualification:

· 凡入信一年以上,未參加過或未考合格此教學考試的13歲或以上的四者會友或干部,可報名參加。

Open to all four divisional members (13 years of age and above, and have taken faith for one year and above) and/or leaders who have not sit for or passed this Study Examination.

三、考試會場Examination Venue

· 各州文化會館或各地域會館。

At individual state culture center and/or district community center.

四、取得資格Qualification after Passing Examination

· 合格者將取得教學部部員資格,並授與証書。

Those who passed will be accorded membership in the SGM Study Department, and will be awarded with a certificate.

五、考試范圍Examination Syllabus

1. 御書3 3 Goshos

a. 4月份御書學習資料April Gosho Study material

q 《法蓮抄》(流40350-56頁)。

q On the Selection of the Time (Flow 403, pp. 22-28).

b. 6月份御書學習資料June Gosho Study material

q 《致新池書》(流407期)。

q The One Essential Phrase (Flow 407, pp. 13-19).

c. 8月份御書學習資料August Gosho Study material:

q 411期。

q Flow 411.

2. 教學基礎Essentials of Study

a. 日蓮大聖人的一生(《教學基礎》17-34頁)。

The Life of Nichiren Daishonin (Entrance-Level Textbook, pp. 1-20).

b. 十界和一生成佛(《教學基礎》127-139頁,143-146頁)。

The Ten Worlds and Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime (ibid. pp. 21-39).

c. 立正安國和廣宣流布(《教學基礎》169-172頁,175-177頁)。

Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land and Widespread Propagation (ibid. pp. 40-46).

d. 信、行、學(《教學基礎》201-208頁)。

Faith, Practice and Study (ibid. pp. 47-53).

e. 超越難的信心(《教學基礎》241-255頁)。

The Faith to Surmount Difficulties (ibid. pp. 54-65).

3. 世界廣布和創價學會 World Kosen-rufu and Soka Gakkai

a. 創價學會的歷史(《教學基礎》273-307頁)。

History of Soka Gakkai (ibid. pp. 66-75).

b. 破折日顯宗(資料附上)。

On Refuting the Nikken sect (ibid. pp. 76-80).
