2007年度 中級/青年二級教學考試實施綱要
2007 Intermediate Level / Youth Level 2 Study Examination Implementation
一、考試日期 Date of Examination:
Sunday, December 16, 2007. From 9am to 12pm.
1. 截止日期Deadline: 2007年4月30日April 30, 2007。
2. 費用Fees:RM10.00。
3. 資格Qualification:
· 凡擁有講師三級、初級/青年三級資格的四者會友及干部,即可報名。
Open to all four divisional members and/or leaders who have passed the Lecturer Level 3, Elementary Level or Youth Level 3 Study Examinations.
三、考試會場Examination Venue:
· 原則上在各州文化會館或各地域會館。
At individual state culture centre and/or district community centre.
四、取得資格Qualification after Passing Examination:
· 合格者將取得教學部中級/青年二級資格,並授與証書。
Those who pass will be accorded Intermediate Level / Youth Level 2 qualifications in the SGM Study Department, and will be awarded a certificate.
五、考試范圍Examination Syllabus:
1. 御書3篇全篇學習The Study of 3 entire Goshos:
a. 《一生成佛抄》On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime。
b. 《佐渡書》Letter from Sado。
c. 《立正安國論》On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land。
d. 《御書的世界》參閱資料
References from The World of Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings:
q 一生成佛(第一集,112-131頁)。
Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime (Vol. 1, pp. 112-133).
q 佐渡流罪(第三集,1-61頁)。
Sado Exile (Vol. 3, pp. 1-71).
q 立正安國(第一集,64-111頁)。
Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land (Vol. 1, pp. 61-111).
2. 教學基礎Essentials of Study:
a. 池田先生的《方便品壽量品》講義Sensei’s Lectures on Hoben and Juryo Chapters:
q 《方便品》(第一集和第二集)。
Hoben Chapter (Study Series Part One and Part Two).
q 《壽量品》《自我偈》部分(第三集124-189頁)。
Juryo Chapter Jigage Portion (Study Series Part Three, pp. 166-248).
b. 釋尊與三時之弘經(《教學基礎》86-103頁)。
Sakyamuni and the Three Periods of Propagation (Flow 357, pp. 1-3, Flow 359, pp. 1-3, Flow 361, pp. 1-12).
c. 宗教五綱(《教學基礎》193-198頁)。
The Five Guides of Propagation (Flow 393, pp. 13-16).
d. 破折日顯宗(資料待通知)。
Refuting the Nikken sect (references to be notified later).
六、教學研修會Study Seminar:
1. 以方面或本部為單位,於5月、7月、9月在各州文化會館或地域會館舉行,時間上午9时至下午1时。
To be conducted on Region/Honbu basis at individual state culture centres or regional community centres on May, July and September, from 9am to 1pm.
2. 每次出席和交上指定作業,將獲取總分數(100)的10分。出席所有3次和交上所有3次的指定作業,可得總分數的30分。
10 marks (out of a total of 100) will be given to the candidate for attending each session of the study seminar and submitting one assignment on study topic specified. A total of 30 marks will be given for attending all 3 sessions and submitting all 3 assignments.
3. 參加者必須出席至少2次和交上至少2次的指定作業,才能參加年尾的考試。
Candidates must attend at least 2 sessions of the study seminar and submit at least 2 assignments to be qualified for sitting the year-end exam.
4. 指定作業Assignments:
a. 所有3次的作業,將從第五(2)項的教學基礎中分配出題。
All 3 assignments will be based on topics listed in the Essentials of Study in Item 五(2) above.
b. 每篇作業須達兩頁A4紙長、不少過1,200字,謄寫或打印。
Each assignment must be two A4-sized pages long and not less than 1,000 words, hand- or type-written.